Table: Publishers

1179 × 333
<div class="table table--zebra table--primary-light">

            <th colspan="3">Location</th>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">add_location</i>


                    Include recipient location codes: <strong>64%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">add_location</i>


                    Include grant location name: <strong>63%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">add_location</i>


                    Include grant location codes: <strong>62%</strong>


            <th colspan="3">Organisation Information</th>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">tag</i>


                    Include charity or company nos.: <strong>64%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">confirmation_number</i>


                    Include external org IDs: <strong>45%</strong>


            <th colspan="3">Grant Information</th>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">event_note</i>


                    Include grant duration: <strong>57%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">format_quote</i>


                    Include programme names: <strong>56%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">label</i>


                    Include classifications: <strong>55%</strong>


            <th colspan="3">Files</th>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">reorder</i>


                    Include metadata: <strong>81%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <span class="icon__overlaid-text">json</span>


                    Publish using JSON: <strong>75%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <span class="icon__overlaid-text">xlsx</span>


                    Publish using spreadsheets: <strong>79%</strong>


            <th colspan="3">Up To Date</th>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">event_available</i>


                    Published data in the last year: <strong>91%</strong>

                <td class="table__lead-cell" data-header="Title">
                    <div class="icon">

                        <i class="material-icons icon__mat-icon">event_available</i>


                    Published data in the last month: <strong>88%</strong>


<div class="table table--zebra table--primary-light">
    {% for section in sections %}
      <th colspan="3">{{ section.heading }}</th>
        {% for item in section.items %}
          data-header="{{ header.th1 }}"
          {% render '@icon', item.icon %}
          {{ item.label }}: <strong>{{ item.value }}</strong>
        {% endfor %}
    {% endfor %}
  "header": {
    "th1": "Title",
    "th2": "Description",
    "th3": "Type",
    "th4": "Required"
  "body": [
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Identifier",
        "cell2": "The unique identifier for this grant. Made up of your 360Giving prefix, and an identifier from your records. See the 360Giving Grant identifier guidance for details.",
        "cell3": "string",
        "cell4": true
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Title",
        "cell2": "A title for this grant activity. This should be under 140 characters long.",
        "cell3": "string",
        "cell4": true
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Description",
        "cell2": "A short description of this grant activity.",
        "cell3": "string",
        "cell4": true
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Currency",
        "cell2": "The currency used in amounts. Use the three-letter <a href='#'>currency code from ISO 4217</a> eg: Use GBP for Pounds Sterling.",
        "cell3": "string",
        "cell4": true
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Amount Applied For",
        "cell2": "Total amount applied for in numbers (do not include commas or currency symbols such as £). If you have provided detailed transaction information on a separate table, this should equal the sum of all the application transactions for this grant.",
        "cell3": "number",
        "cell4": false
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Amount Awarded",
        "cell2": "Total amount awarded in numbers (do not include commas or currency symbols such as £). If you have provided detailed transaction information on a separate table, this should equal the sum of all the award transactions for this grant.",
        "cell3": "number",
        "cell4": true
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Amount Disbursed",
        "cell2": "Total amount disbursed (paid) to this grantee when this record was last updated (in numbers: do not include commas or currency symbols such as £)). If you have provided detailed transaction information on a separate table, this should equal the sum of all the disbursement transactions for this grant.",
        "cell3": "number",
        "cell4": false
      "row": {
        "cell1": "Award Date",
        "cell2": "When was the decision to award this grant made. The date should be written as YYYY-MM-DD, or in full date-time format.",
        "cell3": "string",
        "cell4": true
  "sections": [
      "heading": "Location",
      "items": [
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "add_location"
          "label": "Include recipient location codes",
          "value": "64%"
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "add_location"
          "label": "Include grant location name",
          "value": "63%"
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "add_location"
          "label": "Include grant location codes",
          "value": "62%"
      "heading": "Organisation Information",
      "items": [
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "tag"
          "label": "Include charity or company nos.",
          "value": "64%"
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "confirmation_number"
          "label": "Include external org IDs",
          "value": "45%"
      "heading": "Grant Information",
      "items": [
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "event_note"
          "label": "Include grant duration",
          "value": "57%"
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "format_quote"
          "label": "Include programme names",
          "value": "56%"
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "label"
          "label": "Include classifications",
          "value": "55%"
      "heading": "Files",
      "items": [
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "reorder"
          "label": "Include metadata",
          "value": "81%"
          "icon": {
            "overlaid_text": "json"
          "label": "Publish using JSON",
          "value": "75%"
          "icon": {
            "overlaid_text": "xlsx"
          "label": "Publish using spreadsheets",
          "value": "79%"
      "heading": "Up To Date",
      "items": [
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "event_available"
          "label": "Published data in the last year",
          "value": "91%"
          "icon": {
            "icon_name": "event_available"
          "label": "Published data in the last month",
          "value": "88%"
  • Content:
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      a {
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    .table--false { color: hsla(var(--red-hsl), 1);; }
    /* Primary styling */
    .table--primary {
      border: none;
      border-bottom: 1px solid $orange-tint-lighter;
      th {
        background: $orange-tint-lighter;
        font-size: 20px;
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          th:first-of-type {
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          th:last-of-type {
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        border: none;
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          border: none;
    .table--primary-light {
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        border: solid 1px $orange-tint-light;
    /* Secondary styling */
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      border: none;
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      tr {
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          border: none;
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      border: none;
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        font-weight: 600;
        padding: 16px 14px;
        border: none;
      thead {
        tr:first-of-type {
          border-radius: 3px 3px 0px 0px;
          th:first-of-type {
            border-top-left-radius: 3px;
          th:last-of-type {
            border-top-right-radius: 3px;
      tr {
        border: none;
        td + td {
          border-left: 1px solid $orange-tint-lighter;
        &:nth-of-type(odd) {
          background: $orange-tint-fade;
        &:nth-of-type(even) {
          background: $orange-tint-light;
        + tr {
          border: none;
  • URL: /components/raw/table/table.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/03-components/table/table.scss
  • Size: 3.9 KB

No notes defined.