<div class="filter-section">
    <div class="wrapper filter-section__panel">
        <div class="filter-section__search">
            <input class="search-field <!-- js-search-filter -->" placeholder="Start typing to filter..." />

        <div class="filter-section__buttons filters">

            <span class="filter filter--data-literacy filter--selected" title="Data Literacy">Data Literacy</span>

            <span class="filter filter--data-wrangling" title="Data Wrangling">Data Wrangling</span>

            <span class="filter filter--human-centered-design" title="Human Centered Design">Human Centered Design</span>

<div class="filter-section">
  <div class="wrapper filter-section__panel">
    <div class="filter-section__search">
      <input class="search-field <!-- js-search-filter -->" placeholder="Start typing to filter..." />  
    <div class="filter-section__buttons filters">
      {% for filter in filters %}
         <span class="filter filter--{{filter.slug }}{% if filter.selected %} filter--selected{% endif %}" title="{{ filter.category }}">{{ filter.category }}</span>     
      {% endfor %}
  "filters": [
      "category": "Data Literacy",
      "slug": "data-literacy",
      "selected": true
      "category": "Data Wrangling",
      "slug": "data-wrangling",
      "selected": false
      "category": "Human Centered Design",
      "slug": "human-centered-design",
      "selected": false
  • Content:
    .filter-section {
      border-top: 1px solid hsla(var(--base-hsl), .2);
      border-bottom: 1px solid hsla(var(--base-hsl), .2);
      @include breakpoint($small-only) {
        overflow-x: scroll;
        scroll-snap-align: center;
        scroll-snap-type: x proximity;
      &__panel { display: flex; }
      &__search { 
        flex: 1;
        display: flex;
        align-items: center;
      &__buttons { 
        flex: 3; 
        text-align: right;
    .search-field {
      padding: 8px 16px;
      width: 100%;
      border: 1px solid hsla(var(--base-hsl), .2);
      color: hsla(var(--base-hsl), 1);
      background-color: transparent;
      &::-webkit-input-placeholder { color: hsla(var(--base-hsl), .7); }
      &:-moz-placeholder { color: hsla(var(--base-hsl), .7); }
      &::-moz-placeholder { color: hsla(var(--base-hsl), .7); }
      &:-ms-input-placeholder { color: hsla(var(--base-hsl), .7); }
      &:focus { border: 1px solid hsla(var(--orange-hsl), 1); }
    .filters {
      padding-top: 24px;
      padding-bottom: 24px;
      @include breakpoint($small-only) {
        width: max-content;
        padding-right: 20px;
        .filter + .filter { margin-left: 8px; }
      @include breakpoint($medium-up) { 
        .filter + .filter { margin-left: 24px; }
  • URL: /components/raw/filters/filters.scss
  • Filesystem Path: src/components/04-modules/filters/filters.scss
  • Size: 1.2 KB

No notes defined.